Con la colaboración de Clara Inés Nicholls, este texto recopila y sistematiza estudios y publicaciones recientes de Miguel Altieri, pionero en este nuevo campo del conocimiento y promotor de las prácticas de la agroecología.
Agroecologìa. Bases científicas para una agricultura sustentable
Esta segunda edición incorpora nuevas percepciones y conceptos con la esperanza de ayudar a guiar a estudiantes de agricultura, investigadores y agricultores hacia una comprensión más profunda de la ecología de los sistemas agrícolas, lo cual abri-rá las puertas a nuevas opciones en el manejo, mas de acuerdo con los objetivos de una agricultura verdaderamente sustentable.
Building Sustainable Farms, Ranches and Communities
This guide is written for anyone seeking help from federal programs to foster sustainable and innovative initiatives in this country associated with agriculture and forestry.
Open-ended Cases in Agroecology: Farming and Food Systems in the Nordic Region and the US Midwest
Our aim is to describe open-ended case studies for learning real-life problem solving skills, and relate this approach to conventional, closed-ended decision case studies. Teaching methods are open-ended cases in agroecology, an alternative to traditional strategies that lead students through prepared materials and structured discussions to determine an outcome already known to the instructor.
Escuelas de Agroecologia en Colombia
El informe recoge los principales hallazgos de una caracterización de algunas de las más importantes experiencias populares de formación en Agroecología existentes en Colombia.
Chain of Solidarity and Support Actions for Sustainable Development -CHASSAADD Annual report
It promotes a continued research with/on rural communities to enable them to offer solutions tailored to their needs and aspirations and support their efforts in achieving concrete actions that take into account their potential, to allow them a higher standard of living in their own environment. One of the purposes is the contribution to increased productivity and hence production to satisfy local demand and external markets, agro products and creating sustainable jobs in rural areas through the training and preparation.
Declaration of Sashe
From the 1st encounter of the agroecology trainers in the African region. 47 people from 22 organizations in 18 countries (Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Rwanda, Angola, Uganda, Tanzania, Kenya, Zambia, South Africa, Central African Republic, Brazil, Mexico, Indonesia, Portugal, USA, France, and Germany). They met at the Shashe Endogenous Development Training Centre in Masvingo Province, Zimbabwe to plan how to promote agroecology in Southern, Eastern & Central Africa.
Agrotóxicos no Brasil – um guia para ação em defesa da vida
This book provides the reader with information to combat the growing use of pesticides in Brazil in recent years. It informs the reader on legislation, on programs to monitor residues in food, on how to identify, control, report and prevent cases of poisoning, and on toxicology review processes of pesticides permitted in Brazil.
Revista de Economía Crítica n.10
Special issue on Agroecology and food crisis / Numero especial sobre agroecologia y crisis alimentaria
La revolucion ecologica en America Latina
En este documento se muestra el potencial de la agroecología para promover cambios sociales y agrarios trascendentes encaminados a la sustentabilidad a partir de proyectos, iniciativas y movimientos de inspiración agroecológica en Brasil, la region Andina, México, Centroamérica y Cuba. Estos cambios abren nuevos derroteros politicos para las sociedades agrarias de Latinoamérica y conforman una alternativa totalmente opuesta a las políticas neoliberales basadas en la agroindustria y en las roexportaciones.