Whose “clean” development? Communities Speak Out

Three case studies from India, Philippines and Thailand on Clean Development Mechanism:

Our analysis, and that of many communities and organisations across Asia, is that the CDM is an extension of the generalised approach to big project and energy intensive development that has systematically marginalised indigenous peoples and local communities and over- exploited the Earth. The “clean development mechanism” is, quite simply, a mechanism that allows polluters to avoid binding emissions reductions in one location, while shifting emissions to another location. At the same time, it allows corporations and state entities to reap additional profits from projects that are questionable in terms of sustainability, community benefits or even addressing climate change.

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Sweet and sour delight: Value addition in citrus

Creating economic incentives is an effective way for conserving agrobiodiversity. Establishing market linkages and adding value through processing of locally available crops can provide such incentives for conservation through use, as is happening in Ghanteshwor village development committee (VDC) of Doti district in far western Nepal.

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