The Mother of Our Breath

Women have been the nurturers of the family and providers of food on land, while men have been providers from the sea. Children are expected to help their parents and other elders in their different tasks. This is the story of the Paulauan traditional family farming system in the western most regions of the Caroline Islands in the Republic of Palau.

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Agrotóxicos no Brasil – um guia para ação em defesa da vida

This book provides the reader with information to combat the growing use of pesticides in Brazil in recent years. It informs the reader on legislation, on programs to monitor residues in food, on how to identify, control, report and prevent cases of poisoning, and on toxicology review processes of pesticides permitted in Brazil.

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Revalorización y conservación de la diversidad biocultural andina

BioAndes was a regional programme carried out in Bolivia, Ecuador and Peru with the objective of “strengthening the capacities of local actors in the sustainable management of the region’s biodiversity”. Having run for 5 years, they were interested in presenting a detailed document to the national and regional authorities. With the help of many of those directly involved in the programme, ILEIA carried out a systematisation process, and presented the results as a 100-page document.

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Strengthening people-led development

A joint effort of local communities, NGOs and donors to redefine participation. Readers can find in the successful examples of participatory methods presented, a source of motivation and inspiration.

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Puzzles for innovation

The writers wanted to encourage the Afghan community by showing that the development processes they are experiencing are not different to those seen elsewhere, even if the general context is particularly difficult.

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