
This web-page has been created by a common effort by many organizations. We want to show the wide range of sustainable agricultural practices, and that peasants and other small scale food producers and providers can nourish a growing population, preserve the environment and contribute substantially to stop the climate change. We also want to contribute to develop policies and actions for a viable food future. The list of some useful reports on policies and links to other webpages are parts of that effort.

To develop this webpage and make it a useful tool for the transition of agriculture, we need contributions from individuals, organizations and institutions. Please send articles, reports, links etc you would like to see on this webpage: [email protected]. The administration of this webpage is managed by the More and Better Network  on behalf of all organizations which are involved.

We are very grateful for the financial support which made it possible to create this webpage. Many thanks to The Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad)The Development Fund (Norway) and Heidehof Stiftung (Germany).

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This web-page has been created by a common effort by many organizations. We want to show the wide range of sustainable agricultural practices, and that peasants and other small scale food producers and providers can nourish a growing population, preserve the environment and contribute substantially to stop the climate change. 

We also want to contribute to develop policies and actions for a viable food future. The list of some useful reports on policies and links to other webpages are parts of that effort.

To develop this webpage and make it a useful tool for the transition of agriculture, we need contributions from individuals, organizations and institutions. Please send articles, reports, links etc you would like to see on this webpage; [email protected]

The administration of this webpage is managed by the More and Better Network (www.moreandbetter.org) on behalf of all organizations which are involved.

We are very grateful for the financial support which made it possible to create this webpage. Many thanks to The Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad), The Development Fund (Norway) and Heidehof Stiftung (Germany)




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