How Yapuchiris build climate resilience

Dealing with the uncertainties of changing climates is a challenge faced by farmers around the world. Near Cochabamba in Bolivia’s Andean high plateau, a group of agroecological farmers are leading the way by developing and sharing innovative practices that help their communities break out of the vicious cycle of increased poverty and vulnerability. But challenges remain…

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Guinea pigs – small livestock with big potential

The right to food sovereignty is a part of the Plurinational State of Bolivia’s constitution, but what does this actually mean for family farmers? The truth is that many people in rural areas are far from having access to adequate food and nutrition, with 37% of children under five reported to be suffering from stunting caused by malnutrition. Amongst the institutions and initiatives that aim to improve food security and sovereignty, the cuy (or guinea pig) project stands out for the inroads it has made towards improving food and nutrition at the family level.

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Agricultura Familiar Agroecológica Campesina en la Comunidad Andina

Las experiencias de producción familiar agroecológica en diferentes regiones del mundo han evidenciado que es una opción viable para promover la seguridad alimentaria y, al mismo tiempo, conservar la biodiversidad de nuestros países. En los países andinos, los pequeños productores junto con los
movimientos agroecológicos han cumplido un rol importante para la promoción y sostenimiento de este tipo de iniciativas, como una propuesta con potencial para atender la precaria situación prevaleciente en el campo. Con el propósito de difundir estas iniciativas agroecológicas en la Comunidad Andina, los gobiernos nacionales, junto con la Secretaría General de la CAN, ejecutaron el Proyecto “Promoción de la Agricultura Familiar Agroecológica Campesina en la Comunidad Andina”.  La presente publicación presenta un resumen de los principales resultados de este trabajo.

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Revalorización y conservación de la diversidad biocultural andina

BioAndes was a regional programme carried out in Bolivia, Ecuador and Peru with the objective of “strengthening the capacities of local actors in the sustainable management of the region’s biodiversity”. Having run for 5 years, they were interested in presenting a detailed document to the national and regional authorities. With the help of many of those directly involved in the programme, ILEIA carried out a systematisation process, and presented the results as a 100-page document.

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