Sustainable Agricultural Practices and Agricultural Productivity in Ethiopia: Does Agroecology Matter?

This paper investigates the impact of sustainable agricultural practices on crop productivity, with a particular focus on reduced tillage. Specifically, the report investigate whether reduced tillage results in more or less productivity gain than chemical fertilizer. Results support encouraging resource-constrained farmers in semi-arid areas to adopt sustainable agricultural practices, especially since they enable farmers to reduce production costs, provide environmental benefits, and—as our results confirm—enhance crop productivity.

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The Tigray experience: A success story in sustainable agriculture 

The success story in Tigray is concerning the Project on Sustainable Development through Ecological Land Management by Some Rural Communities in Northern Ethiopia through a broad-based open-ended experiment by farmers and local experts able to favor the rehabilitation of the land and improved crop production. The papers also include a set of recommendations for a sustanaible agriculture.

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Puzzles for innovation

The writers wanted to encourage the Afghan community by showing that the development processes they are experiencing are not different to those seen elsewhere, even if the general context is particularly difficult.

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